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Rethinking Business Execution: Leading In Volatile Times

Behind every business success or flop, there’s a strategy that either worked or failed. So, one must be careful about which approach(es) to adopt.

One promising strategy approach is found in a new book by Dr. Rebecca Homkes. It’s titled Survive, Reset, Thrive: Leading Breakthrough Growth Strategy in Volatile Times.

A leader’s job is to set clear intent and boundaries and ensure your distrib­uted leaders have the capabilities needed to execute towards the intent. Then get out of their way.

You have have communicated your must-win strategic goals ad nauseum, but without shared context—or the common understanding of what matters, why it matters and how the pieces fit together—your leadership team will be clueless.

Changes at work can stir up anxiety, anger, and frustration. Being affected by these dynamics isn’t a sign of weakness. It’s normal not to feel normal for a while. In this article, the author outlines six strategies to try to help yourself stay grounded amidst uncertainty.

Executives have been forced to lead through upheaval, whether they like it or not. No one is sure what’s next — for the workplace or the globe. The only thing that’s clear: Uncertainty is here to stay, and the key to success is to expect the unexpected.

Plans articulate a base option, but they’re grounded in a series of events that are not only unpredictable but also often uncontrollable.

It’s undoubtedly a tough time to be an executive, which is why it’s the perfect moment to brush up on your leadership bona fides with nonfiction reads that will help you keep calm and carry on through any storm.

External uncertainties don’t need to limit your company’s potential for growth. How business leaders can set up their business for success in any market condition.

This leading blogger cites Homkes’ book as, “a timely, comprehensive, and essential read for business leaders looking to take the next step toward ensuring high growth for their companies.”


Survive Reset Thrive - Chapter One

There is something about the word “uncertainty” that I realized several years ago, When we refer to it, we usually put a word before it that means it is bad. We speak of how we need to “manage,” or “overcome” uncertainty. We almost always precede this word with a verb that signifies this is going to be terrible…

Facing uncertainty? Set intent and boundaries

Organisations operating with limited resources in competitive environments need strategies because as the situation changes, leaders need to make decisions that are aligned with other leaders’ decisions and take the organization towards its definition of success. So, strategy’s job, its main job, is not necessarily to provide answers but to provide a framework for decision making…

Make the right personnel decisions now to thrive

Companies need to manage the key decisions about their people now if they are to rest their strategies and thrive after the pandemic has passed. These decisions fall into four categories: repurposing, engagement, learning, and lay-offs…

Uncertainty is a great time to grow

Leaders must remember that periods of uncertainty can be a great time to grow. Times of peril are when having true strategic insights, and an organization that can execute on them, can be the difference between death and prosperity…

Why strategy chiefs succeed or fail

Why is it that some companies have great heads of strategy who make an outstanding contribution to their companies while others don’t? To answer this question, we evaluated 55 heads of strategy, and looked more closely at 11 who were particularly successful and 10…

Listen & Watch

We are Human Leaders: Survive, Reset, Thrive: Wise Strategy for Sustainable Success with Dr Rebecca Homkes

- APRIL 2024

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